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Driving Sustainability with Geo-Spatial Data and Business Intelligence

Geospatial data represents a phenomena happening on earth’s surface, and business intelligence allows us to transform raw data into insightful visuals. What happens if integrate both of them together? Read out in this blog. 

With sustainability becoming less of a fad and more of a requirement in the current world, many companies are using geospatial data and business intelligence to advance their sustainability efforts. These important instruments help companies promote sustainable data practices, improving the general image of environmental management. 

Through the application of green analytics and eco-friendly business intelligence tools just like Nomadia’s GIS solutions, companies can achieve environmental sustainability and enhanced profitability in the long run. Sounds Interesting? Keep reading for more! 

The Power of Geospatial Data

Geospatial data is defined as data concerning objects, events, or phenomena that occur at definite locations on or near the surface of the earth. This data is significant and helpful in analyzing and comparing geographic factors and trends, making it a valuable asset to business organizations. 

UAVs, drones, Satellite sensors, IoT, GIS, 3D-GIS, AR, VR, and AI tools can help to collect the Geospatial data. Here are the applications of Geospatial data

  1. Resource Management: Companies can employ geospatial information to control and allocate natural resources efficiently. For instance, agricultural firms can monitor the condition of the soil and the usage of water to improve their farming techniques.
  2. Supply Chain Optimization: When the location of the suppliers and customers are mapped, then a company can optimize its supply chain in a way that is friendly to the environment since it reduces the transport distance.
  3. Urban Planning: Geospatial data can help governments and developers plan new cities that are environment-friendly, with fewer areas of concrete jungle, less unplanned infrastructure, more greenery, and efficient transport systems.

Business Intelligence for Sustainability

Business Intelligence (BI) can be described as technology, tools, and processes used to gather, process, analyze, and report business information. Traditionally, data used to be collected and stored for single-use cases, for instance, collecting a particular data to analyze the data stream of the carbon footprint of a data. 

However, this type of point solution and the process are highly inefficient. That’s why integrated BI solutions are preferred over traditional practices. They collect data from different sources, use a central database called a data warehouse, and analyze the data to provide near real-time insights to boost the decision-making process. 

For instance, a BI solution can gather data from your real-life energy consumption, energy costs, and correlated environmental footprint data and analyze the historical data to provide necessary analytic reports and statistics. Based on the reports, you are empowered to make the right decisions, which are backed by data, and data never lies. 

Combining GIS and Business Intelligence: An Advanced Analytic Platform

GIS and BI are used for data analysis as BI tools transform the raw data into easy-to-understand insights, and GIS systems digest and present the geospatial data in a rich, visual, and practical way. 

If we combine both of these platforms, it will lead to the development of a next-level analytic framework that will apply geospatial data and streamline decision-making. This platform has a variety of use cases in different industries. For example, when GIS analysis is integrated with a BI-powered CRM platform, it can help balance sales territory coverage with all the information, including facilities and personnel. 

Besides, GIS can streamline the truckload and make shipments or deliveries easier, as BI has access to inventory and CRM data.

Geo-powered business intelligence tools are more advanced than traditional BI tools. For instance, a pharmacy is looking for suitable locations in the city to expand its network. Now, a GIS with BI will combine a smart mapping tool with digest data and existing local pharmacy networks, competing chains, population density by region, commercial plot rental price, and target audience. 

Now, the business analyst can filter the area by population density and distance to nearby pharmacies or search a specific competitor’s brand to find the most eligible branch in the city. 

Geospatial Data + Business Intelligence = Location-Specific Data Intelligence

The location-specific data intelligence can assist your business in driving sustainability. Let’s see how: 

  1. GIS software delivers BI without requiring a whole suite of BI tools. The user uploads a dataset, selects a desired visual output, and shares the link with their teammates.
  2. Advanced GIS platform utilizes high-resolution satellite imagery which is out of scope for BI capabilities.
  3. A GIS-powered BI solution relies on multiple attributes. It allows the tool to peform multidimensional analytics that support links, imagery, and videos. 
  4. Not all BI solutions support polygon shapes. However, a polygon is the main spatial entity used for analytics in construction, agriculture, marketing, and other fields. 
  5. GIS software is capable of analyzing volumetric spatial data. 


Geospatial data and business intelligence integration are powerful ways of promoting sustainability at the business level. By applying sustainable data practices, green analytics, and green BI, firms can decrease their unfavorable environmental effects and, at the same time, increase organizational performance and profitability.

As the global demand for sustainability rises, businesses that adopt these technologies will be better positioned to meet societal and customer needs. Sustainability is the future of business, and geospatial data and business intelligence are two critical tools for implementing it.

Are you looking to get hold of the power of geospatial data and business intelligence for your sustainability efforts? Nomadia GIS Solutions provides cutting-edge tools aimed at bringing companies and organizations to be more efficient with their data and using green analytics to the best advantage.