Nomadia adopts the status of company with a mission

By definition a committed company, Nomadia, leader in smart mobility technologies for itinerant professionals (salespeople, technicians, deliverers), has taken a further step forward in its development by becoming one of the first companies with a mission in the sector of smart mobility. Thanks to its intuitive SaaS solutions, Nomadia accompanies its clients in an efficient and measured CSR approach.
For all businesses whose activity relies on mobile teams, the optimization of movements and control of mobility are key means to reconcile economic performance and corporate social and environmental responsibility.
« By considering mobility as an opportunity and no longer as a constraint, smart mobility becomes an innovative and responsible competitive lever for companies, which guarantees the efficiency and well-being of staff members and allows them to better satisfy their clients. Nomadia is a responsible company that is committed to respecting the environment. We offer our clients smart management and optimization solutions for their business which help them to respond to their specific environmental and societal issues. », explains Fabien Breget, CEO of Nomadia.
CSR (corporate social responsibility) is now a forefront issue that everyone is talking about. This interest in a socially responsible approach and respect for the environment, which has been present for a number of years now, has been amplified by the Covid crisis. Its framework has become increasingly structured and obliges companies to make commitments and to provide proof of their actions and results. With the ambition to reach carbon neutrality in 2050, the French regulations in favor of mobility that is more respectful of the environment are changing, inciting companies to declare their emissions of greenhouse gases. As of this year, the LOM law also obliges companies to include a specific number of low-emission vehicles in their fleet (10% of fleet renewal in 2022, 20% in 2024). In support of these governmental initiatives, Nomadia helps companies to make the change towards greener and more sustainable mobility by offering them practical solutions.
Nomadia, the starting point of a committed and measurable CSR policy
Company with a mission, Nomadia – the number 1 French editor of smart mobility SaaS solutions SaaS for itinerant salespeople, technicians and drivers-deliverers – accompanies its clients in their digital transformation by providing innovative and eco-responsible solutions that improve their daily working conditions and reduce their carbon footprint. In practical terms, it helps companies to overcome their main challenges relative to performance, occupational well-being and a reduced environmental footprint – with a promise of operational efficiency in the region of 20% and a CO2 emission reduction of up to 30%.
Adapted and efficient tools
TourSolver and Opti-Time (SaaS solutions for route and schedule optimization), tangible examples of Nomadia’s commitment to greener mobility, have been designed to enable specialists in logistics, technical and sales interventions, as well as the entire field team, to easily define and execute optimal route plans. Reduction of kilometers, flow pooling, optimization of truck fill rate, maximization of both the number of interventions by the teams and the vehicle usage rate, the tools developed by Nomadia bring a valuable contribution to its clients with a direct impact on their CO2 emissions. The immediate benefit of the optimization for the company is clear: from 10 % to 30 % of savings on fuel expenditure and the number of vehicles as well as productivity gains of the same level for mobile staff who are able to carry out more interventions each day or fuller rounds without spending more time on the road.
Hybrid, electric, ethanol fuel, LPG, unleaded and diesel: the Nomadia solutions take into account all types of fuel and therefore make it possible to manage mixed vehicle fleets, inciting the companies to turn more towards hybrid or electric vehicles.
« Since companies are gradually transforming their vehicle fleet towards greener mobility, the optimization tools taking into account rounds by electric vehicles are even more important. Even if there is not a direct link with CO2 emissions when we talk about electric, it is essential to optimize consumption and to build optimal routes taking into account loading times and places.», explains Fabien Breget.
Tangible and clearly proven benefits
Nomadia enables its clients to optimize their CSR approach as reported by Domino’s Pizza: “Thanks to the implementation of TourSolver, the deliverers have 100% reliable rounds with no unnecessary kilometers and with an optimized vehicle fill rate. The result is productivity gains in the region of 25% on the journey time, real configuration of operational costs and a reduced transport cost of around 15%. ”, and Franprix: “At a time when our outlets are growing rapidly and we want to reduce the carbon footprint linked to the transport of our merchandise, the calculation of distances and truck fill rate is indispensable and has led to the optimization of the number of kilometers driven. Un gain de temps pour les chauffeurs et l’optimisation du coût de transport. ”
As for SODIS, this major player in field marketing specialized in the management and optimization of shelf space for the brands Ducros, Vahiné, and Tahi Kitchen, it has been able to define optimized intervention plans leading to, in some regions, productivity gains of up to 15% on journey times and a 20% reduction in the number of kilometers traveled.
Another example of the tangible benefits of the use of Nomadia solutions in the CSR sphere but this time in Mexico: the company LiPU, specialized in passenger transport. The company has a fleet of 800 buses and minibuses which each day transport thousands of schoolchildren, employees and tourists throughout the country. As well as better performance in terms of route calculation speed, the entire fleet has been optimized. The journey optimization and the rotation of vehicles on several missions allows the company to avoid empty journeys as much as possible and to optimize the number of kilometers traveled. As a result, LiPU has reduced the number of kilometers traveled on all its rounds by over 20%.
Optimal working conditions at the service of staff well-being
The mobility optimization and field operation management tools developed by Nomadia tangibly improve the working conditions of mobile staff members, not only by reducing the time that they spend on the road and the resulting stress, but also by simplifying their administrative tasks thanks to professional applications specifically designed for mobility situations. Today, there is a factor that is absolutely vital for smart mobility companies: their capacity to attract, recruit and keep employees. Value-sharing, optimal working conditions, respect of working hours, etc. In all field service professions or those implying daily travel, the time spent on the road and the management of working hours in compliance with labor law are crucial criteria for ensuring employee loyalty, whether they are maintenance technicians, installers or drivers-deliverers.
« We provide our clients with all the tools to improve mobility for everyone, to encourage the electrification of fleets and safety on the road and to optimize the well-being and comfort of nomadic professionals. We want to be amongst the pioneers of green, responsible and sustainable mobility thanks to smart mobility, in fact that is our corporate purpose. », concludes Fabien Breget.