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Transport and logistics
Last-Mile Logistics: Key Trends for 2025
In 2025, last-mile logistics companies must enhance their capabilities across multiple fronts to meet evolving client and consumer expectations. Which innovations in services, technologies, and delivery approaches should take priority appears to be a challenging upcoming year.
Today, speed, efficiency, and customer satisfaction are key elements of business success. Optimized route management has become essential for many companies. But what is route management software? And how do you find the right software for you?
Inventory Management: Benefits and Effective Tips!
nventory management is the process of monitoring and controlling the items and materials that a company holds with the intent of selling them to its customers. It is essential for inventory management to be as efficient and organized as possible. But how can this be achieved?
LEZs: Finally on a realistic path for itinerant professionals ?
The implementation of Low Emission Zones (LEZs) is not a smooth sailing journey ! The flexibilities granted by the government and the establishment of consultation bodies allowing professionals to make their voices heard are leading to more realistic timelines. But are all obstacles truly cleared ?
Truck geolocation: Importance, solutions, and regulations
Nowadays, delivery services are in a race against time. Their goal? To be the fastest. To achieve this, geolocating delivery trucks is an option that cannot be overlooked. Beyond the competitive advantages it provides, it also ensures the safety of delivery personnel on the move. Discover the different solutions available to you in this article.
Delivery management system: TOP 5 of the best tools
Online commerce continues to grow. In 2023, 42 million French people made purchases online. This enthusiasm requires more rigor in terms of tracking and managing deliveries for logistics companies. That's why a delivery management system (or DMS platform) is a tool not to be overlooked.